Let’s stop Greenwashing. At Green Team®, we present you with biodegradable materials that don’t pollute

Let’s stop Greenwashing. At Green Team®, we present you with biodegradable materials that don’t pollute

Do you know the term Greenwashing and how this trend is harmful to the environment? Here, we’ll share 4 truths about Greenwashing and why it’s essential to stop it and implement real non-polluting solutions, such as using biodegradable materials.


Deceptive Greenwashing

Since the late 60s, various organizations have been exposing the environmental damage caused by different industries and corporations. In response, some companies joined the environmental movement, but they used misleading information that only masked industrial activities still causing significant environmental problems. Jerry Mander, an American writer and journalist, termed this trend “ecopornography.”

In 1986, reporter Jay Westerveld coined the concept of Greenwashing, highlighting certain supposedly ecological practices that industries and businesses made public to sell a “green” image but didn’t align with their overall environmental policies.

Greenwashing refers to the marketing strategies a brand uses to present a misleading image of environmental commitment to the public. To attract customers concerned about responsible consumption without causing pollution problems, companies confuse consumers by using labels like “eco-friendly,” “sustainable,” “green product,” etc.

4 Truths about Greenwashing

These truths we share reveal the disadvantages of Greenwashing and why both consumers and industries should avoid these strategies and not fall for their deception.

Non-sustainable Practices:

Companies often settle for using the “green” label when, in reality, all their processes, and even their products, have a negative environmental impact.

Diverts from Real Issues:

Many industries promote a false image of environmental responsibility to shift public attention away from their negative aspects and prevent focus on critical issues that need prompt attention.

Generates Distrust:

If consumers discover that a brand’s “green” image is just a façade, they start distrusting not only that brand but any industry claiming to be sustainable.

Misinformation and Decision-Making:

If consumers can’t trust “green,” “sustainable,” “ecofriendly” labels, deciding which products to consume to contribute to the environment becomes more complicated.

Green Team® and its Biodegradable Materials as a Real Alternative

At Green Team®, we not only produce EcoCompatible materials and products but also minimize the environmental impact in their manufacturing process.

Our biodegradable materials are not just a positive image or small actions; our entire production process is designed to be EcoCompatible and minimize harm to the planet. Moreover, we have national and international certifications accrediting us as a clean industry manufacturing biodegradable materials that don’t pollute.

We prefer using the term EcoCompatible because we genuinely produce biodegradable and compostable materials that leave no traces of toxicity or contaminating residues, such as microplastics or heavy metals. We have spent years researching and committing to offering true and innovative solutions to help industries make their processes and products more sustainable.

We contribute to improving the environment in several ways. Firstly, we manufacture biodegradable materials that various industries can use to replace plastic in their products. With a variety of presentations and applications, our biodegradable and compostable materials are a true substitute for plastic. Secondly, when producing our finished products, we maintain high standards of quality and commitment to minimize energy consumption.

Lastly, besides being an industry that produces with an extremely low carbon footprint, we are committed to offsetting this environmental impact through our affiliation with reforestation programs.

For these reasons and more, Green Team® is a genuine alternative to Greenwashing, positioning ourselves as a truly EcoCompatible industry offering real solutions.

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