What is Plastic-Free July, and What is the Best Plastic Substitute?

What is Plastic-Free July, and What is the Best Plastic Substitute?

Around the world, five trillion plastic bags are consumed each year. If you were to place them end to end, they would circle the Earth seven times every hour and cover the territory of France twice in the same time (according to the Worldwatch Institute). That’s why the Plastic Free July movement is of great importance; it aims to tackle the problem at its root by finding ways to completely reject these plastic products that will continue to pollute our planet for 200 to 1400 years.

What is it and Who is it for?

Plastic-Free July is a global movement that encourages people to reduce their consumption of single-use plastics for a day, a week, or even the entire month by modifying daily habits at home, school, work, and in local businesses such as cafes and shops. This movement is gaining momentum, with up to 120 million people from over 117 countries around the world joining in the past year.

How can we participate in Plastic-Free July?

  1. Identify disposable plastic products that you use for less than 15 minutes.

  2. Ask yourself: Is it really necessary for me to use this plastic product?

  • If the answer is No, avoid it completely.

  • If the answer is Yes, ask yourself: Can I replace it with a reusable product (such as shopping bags) or does it need to remain single-use (like packaging or delivery bags)?

  1. Make informed substitutions, ensuring that the replacements are environmentally friendly at the end of their useful life, such as bax® bags made of Polivitalio®, the first and only plastic substitute.

Substitute Wisely

- Polivitalio®, the first and only plastic substitute!

It is crucial that when substituting plastic products, we ensure they won’t pollute even when we decide to dispose of them. For instance, consider reusable fabric bags made of TNT, which may give the illusion of being eco-friendly but are actually much worse than their predecessors. They are still made of plastic, not recyclable in Mexico, easily break, and will continue to pollute the planet for another 1200 years, leaving behind microplastics.

Choosing bax® bags is truly solving the initial problem. They are made of Polivitalio® from production (zero water, zero trees, and zero petroleum) to use (super durable and reusable) to disposal (they disintegrate faster than fruit peels in 22 days with organic waste), leaving no microplastics or toxins behind.

With bax®… say goodbye to plastic! Available in T-shirt, boutique, trash, roll, pet waste, and laundry formats, now available on Amazon.

You can also find more sizes and variants of all bax® products in the official Green Team® Mexico Amazon store.

If it’s bax®, it NEVER contaminates.

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