The Best Substitute for Plastic Packaging: Biodegradable and Compostable Shrink Film

The Best Substitute for Plastic Packaging: Biodegradable and Compostable Shrink Film

73% of the waste found on beaches consists of plastic packaging, bags, and bottles, persisting for hundreds or thousands of years and emitting greenhouse gases, according to a study by the University of Hawaii.

With all these negative impacts, replacing these materials is essential. Let’s remember that packaging exists to protect products during transportation, storage, and consumption. Commonly used materials are made from High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and Polypropylene (PP), which, when exposed to the sun, release methane and ethylene. Methane is one of the most harmful gases as it occupies a significant amount of space in the atmosphere, makes it more difficult for solar rays to escape into space, and increases the Earth’s temperature. This exposes animals and humans to higher levels of radiation, leading to diseases such as skin cancer and an imbalance in all ecosystems and microecosystems.

Substitution of this materials is fundamental

There is no doubt that we cannot continue to use materials that contribute to the number one problem we face as a society: global warming. That’s why many companies and ecological ventures seek eco-friendly packaging that is completely biodegradable, compostable, and NOT derived from petroleum. bax® shrink film is the first and only shrink film that does not release any toxins into the atmosphere during its production and disposal. Why? It’s very simple; it’s made from Polivitalio®, the material that is revolutionizing the world because it uses zero trees and zero water in its production, emitting only water vapor and less than 0.1% carbon dioxide during manufacturing.

bax® thermoshrinkaible is four times more resistant

- Bye, bye plastic!

bax® shrink film is four times more resistant than conventional plastic shrink film. You can easily verify that it’s not plastic by putting it in hot water; it disappears in seconds. It’s compostable and biodegrades faster than an orange peel (in 22 days) without leaving microplastics or residues.

bax® is the first and only shrink film that provides a solution to the plastic packaging problem without contributing to greenhouse gases from production to disposal. Custom orders are available for companies looking for a substitute material here.

With bax®… Goodbye to plastic!

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